8148982936     staff@eriegymnasticS.com

Dress Code: 

  • GIRLS - Leotards are the preferred wear at the gym.  Absolutely no leotards with feet or removable leggings.  No clothing that has metal fasteners, buckles, or fringe.  No shorts with tie strings (Umbros) or jean shorts are permitted.  These either damage the equipment, get ripped, or cause injury to the child or coach.  Unitards & Jumpsuits are discouraged in that they are too slippery for work on the gymnastics equipment.  Girls may wear spandex type shorts or leggings over their leos and may wear tighter fitting sweats in the winter months.  Footwear is either socks or barefoot.
  • Cheer Tumble - Girls who participate in Cheer Tumble may wear proper fitting rubber Cheer Shoes or Sneakers.  Tumblers can wear Cheer / Athletic Shorts (no outer tie strings nor metal or plastic fasteners) / or Spankys.  Tumblers may wear discreet Sports Tanks / Sport Bras or tighter fitting T-Shirts or Sweat Shirts.  

  • BOYS - Boys may wear gym shorts, sweat outfits, warm-ups and T-Shirts.   No clothing is permitted that has meta or plasticl fasteners, buckles, or fringe.  No shorts with tie strings (Umbros) or jean shorts are permitted.  These either damage the equipment, get ripped, or cause injury to the child or coach.  Loose clothing is discouraged.   Footwear is either socks or barefoot.

  • HAIR - Long hair must be pulled back for safety reasons.  We prefer you to use a plain pony tail holder, scrunchy or rubber band.  No bulky hair pieces or hair clips are to be worn. (they hurt the gymnast when rolling, and get caught in the equipment)  Long braids and bangs must also be fashioned in such a manner as to not distract the gymnasts vision or interfere with their performance.  Extremely longer hair should be pulled up (bun or braid) that prevents it from touching the ground or equipment when in a handstand.  Hair this long can either trip the gymnast or get wrapped in the equipment and cause serious injury.

  • Jewelry:  There is absolutely no jewelry to be worn to class.  This includes normal earrings and all the new popular places to wear them (eyebrow / belly button ...), rings & toe rings, watches, necklaces, friendship bracelets and bracelets.  We do make an exception for stud-type earrings only.  Please leave your jewelry at home as we are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

 Valuables:  EGC does not have secure locker facilities.  Please do not send your child with  IPOD's / Cell Phones / Video Games / Jewelry / Teddy Bears....  Many a tear has been shed for these items turning up missing.  We do not permit these item in the gym during classes.

Payment Methods:  EGC accepts Cash, Checks, & most major Credit/Debit Cards.  EGC also offers Direct-Draft & Auto-Charge so you don't have to remember.  All ongoing classes must be secured with a Credit Card or Checking/Savings Account.

Online Gym Management Software:  EGC currently uses Jackrabbit Technologies Gym Management Software to manage Team Lightning Inc. dba Erie Gymnastics Center.  Jackrabbit Technologies is a safe & secure online gym management system & software that allows our members to enter secure & private information regarding personal information such as Student Information, Family Information & Banking Information such as Credit Cards & Bank Accounts.  This software is used to bill accounts payable, and for our staff to access pertinent  information concerning our students.

  • All Parent / Guardians must create an account through our online system.
  • The online system requires you to set up an account and financially secure your tuition & charges with a current Credit Card or Checking or Savings Account.  
  • Our online system also requires that you agree to our various policies and release waivers.
  • No person is permitted in any activity without having the appropriate releases, waivers, and consent given through our online system.
  • Every Parent / Guardian must create an online account using a valid email.  Once you create an account, you will have the ability to enter a password, and no EGC Staff will be able to access your financial information.  You then can access this account through the "Parent Portal" at your leisure and edit the information at any time.  You can at any time edit your personal or student information, edit your method of payment, add classes or events, review your billing information and statements.

Privacy:  EGC respects the privacy of every client in our gym.  Our online system is set up on an 'as need to know' basis.  This mean that...

  • No one - including Management can see your financial information you provide.  Our staff can only see the last 4 digits of your account information.
  • Only staff working directly with your child have access to the information you provide including your child's medical information.
  • EGC will not sell you email or phone number to any 3rd party.  
  • EGC will only solicit you with emails / texts / phone calls pertaining to our programs.

Registration Fee:  EGC Charges an Annual Registration Fee.  Our renewal period for the Registration Fee is typically September each year.  The 'Registration Fee' is simply a fancy term for the high cost of our sports liability insurance we pay per student enrolled in our program.  Our choice as a business is to either charge the fee upfront, or integrate it into our tuition prices.  We choose to take this fee upon initial entry in our program to keep our tuition prices fair.  This fee is non-refundable, non-transferable, and is not subject to our other discounts such as 9/11 discounts or family discounts.  We do not get a discount from our Insurance company for sibling or service to our country, and therefore can not pass this off to our customers.   

Tuition Policy:  Our tuition is due and billed on the first day of each month for the upcoming month.  EGC accepts Cash, Checks, & Visa or Mastercard Credit/Debit Cards.  EGC also offers Direct-Draft & Auto-Charge so you don't have to remember.  All accounts must be secured by a Credit/Debit Card or Checking/Savings Account.

  • Tuition & and miscellaneous charges will be automatically deducted from your account the 1st day of each month of the current session.  
  • There will be a $30.00 NSF Fee applied to accounts for any bad checks.
  • Expired or Compromised Cards will have a grace period of 7 days to secure payment by another means.  Parents should go into the Parent Portal and update their information immediately.
  • Any account not paid by the 8th day of the month will be assessed a $15.00 late fee.
  • Any student with a balance extending over 30 days will be dropped from their current classes, but still be responsible for the fees incurred during that month and the month that follows (other than if that is the final month of a session)
  • Parents leaving with account balances will be locked out of our online software and not allowed to reenter any program until the balance is paid.

Withdrawal:  It is our intention to provide you with the best program we can.  However, it often is the case where we as a business are at the mercy of a 6 year olds whims.  Today they want to be a gymnast, tomorrow a dancer, and the next day a Girl/Boy  Scout.  Some students are afraid / nervous in their first few classes, and don't want to  give gymnastics or us a fair chance.  For these reasons & the integrity of our program, when a student enrolls, we insist on a session (3 months) minimum (other clubs require a year commitment).    When a child is entered into an ongoing class in our 'School Year' Program, it is assumed they will continue in our program until the end of the school year (May) {Summer Session is viewed as June, July, & August}.  Due to the fact that we keep small class sizes and have waiting lists on many classes, we must be notified in writing 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the next month if you intend to withdraw your child.  We do not accept phone calls as a method of withdrawal. 

     If you email or write us 2 weeks prior to the end of the month, we have a fair chance to replace your child in the class.  If you do not give us 2 weeks notice, you will be charged for the next month.

  • Sessions:  EGC has 2 traditional sessions defined as School Year (September thru May) and Summer (June thru August).  When enrolling your child in those sessions, you will be billed monthly until the end of that session.  You do not have to sign up for every month, and it is assumed you will attend the entire session.
  • All new students must commit to 3 months to give us a fair chance to earn you & your child's confidence and show results.  Any student withdrawing prior to 3 months will be charged for that subsequent time.  Many parents question the reason for this policy.  As mentioned above, young children are easily intimidated of new experiences and/or whimsical in nature and wish to jump from one activity to the next.  However, as a business that tries to ensure integrity and quality in its programs and classes,  we can not properly schedule or staff classes that fluctuate with the whimsical nature of children's wants.  Thus, as a parent, you must weigh and consider your child's nature and willingness to commit for a reasonable amount of time.  We in no way want to force a student or parent to stay in a program or class that they are unhappy with, however we also want to discourage whimsical decision by parents and children that hurt the integrity of our business and programs.
  • End of Session Withdrawal:  At the end of each session, all students are automatically dropped from their current classes.  You do not need to withdrawal them, and you will cease being charged.  Students wishing to continue should a) check with their current coach to see if they are eligible for the next level classes and b) have the parent go to the Parent Portal and sign them up for the next semester.
  • Mid Session Withdrawals & Re-enrollment:  After the initial 3 month registration period, parents may temporarily withdraw their child from their current class.  A parent may withdraw due to a conflict with another sport or extended vacation.  The student will be permitted to reenter our program during the current session.  However, if their spot in that class is filled by a waiting student and the class is full, they will have to select another class time.

 Attendance / Missed Classes / Make-ups:  It is unfortunate, but most students will miss at least one class throughout the year due to illness, school  function,  or family crisis.  Our program and prices are calculated in such a way that even if you miss a few classes throughout the session, you will have still received your moneys worth, and your child will not have fallen in skill level significantly below his/her classmates. 

     EGC does not offer 'make-up' classes nor pro-rate for time missed

 NO REFUNDS are given for missed classes.  No one is permitted to make-up a class in another scheduled class.

  • Attendance like attendance at school is critical to your child's success in our program.  We ask that you try your best to make all scheduled classes.

 3 + 5 = 4  --  Our school year schedule is designed to offer 36 classes per session, September to May (72 for Advanced Classes).   For example, September may only have 3 Mondays, but October has 5 Mondays -- they average out to four classes per month.  Our tuition price incorporates this in the tuition prices and they remain the same regardless of how many classes actually occur in one month.  We guarantee at least 36 classes in each school year session, for the 9 month school year averaging out to 4 classes each month.  If we miss a class during the year due to a snow storm, then  we will schedule a make-up class for that class.  If  we close due to snow on a Wednesday (which have 37 classes between September and May) we will not make-up the class because they will have still received 36 classes.  We do not refund for missed classes.

Snow Days/Emergencies --  In the event of a Severe Snow Storm, Power outage ... or any other emergency,  we will first email you immediately upon making that decision.  We currently are working on the technology to alert you via your cell phone.  We will also notify all major media sources that typically alert parents to school closings.  IIf you are unsure, please call the gym after 3:00pm. 

  This is however Erie, so we can have 6 inches in Harborcreek, and nothing on the West Side.  If conditions are too poor in your area, don't take the chance! - Your child will do better in class if they are alive.  In the event that we close the gym due to poor weather, we will make up that class.

Drop offs & Pickups --  We ask that you drop your child off approximately 5-10 minutes before their scheduled class time.  We also ask that you pick your child up promptly at the end of their class time.  If there is a situation that you can not pick up your child at dismissal or if someone other than the parent is to pick up the child -- please  let us know as soon as possible. 

  • Please realize that we are NOT a baby-sitting service.  We do not always have office staff in our lobbies.  Our coaches and teachers typically have classes running directly after you child has been dismissed.  Thus, we can not watch them while you are in the mall shopping.  Please also do not drop them off too early in that they have short attention spans, and soon wander into the gym and risk injury.

Parents Observation --  Parents & Siblings are NOT permitted in the gym while classes are in session.  This rule has always been, however depending on the staff at any given hour, is not always strictly enforced.  We are however trying to be more diligent at strictly enforcing this rule.

   We have this rule for a variety of safety reasons!!!

  •  Some children tend to watch mom or dad instead of paying attention to what they are supposed to be doing -- this creates a safety hazard  --esp. on balance beam.
  • Some parents bring sibling into the gym, and soon lose track of them and they are interfering with the coaches teaching and playing on the equipment creating a hazard to themselves and others.  
  • Some Parents think that they are gymnastics coaches and signal their kids to do things during their gymnastics class and thus the chidl is listening to the parent and not the coach.
  • Many parents of young children tend to want to stay and watch in case their child acts up or gets a boo boo.  This however is often very counter-productive to why you sent them to gymnastics.  Often with our younger apprehensive kids, we sometimes invite the parent in the gym until the student is acclimated and then try to get the parent to wean their way out.  By sitting in plain view of your child, they often don't adjust to the coach as their teacher, and often run to the parent for a hug & kiss or to show them their boo boo.  This is an injustice to your child and impedes their progress in both social development & their education.  Our staff are experts and professionals, an will contact you if they have any serious problems.  However, it is common that while little one's develop that they may have outburst in behavior (temper tantrum) or cry for a period.  This is normal and our staff is competent at dealing with this.  Again, they will notify you if they have any problems.     

  • We will offer 2 formal times during the school year and the last class of the summer session where we will open the gym to the parents and let the gymnasts show off their skills.
  • Please realize that we LOVE to show off our gymnastics skills and what we've taught your child.  However, this is a learning environment and like a school, having mom & dad sit there are watch and their siblings being distracting is detrimental to your child's education.  Just like when they are in school, you can not sit and watch them in every math class, the same is true here.  Please be respectful of our coaches requests if they as you to leave.

Motto:  Erie Gymnastics Center's motto is "Sweat & a Smile".  When we send the children home after class, the sweat is to show you they worked hard, and the smile  assures us they want to come back!


Rules / Policies / Info

Philosophy:    Our general philosophy is that gymnastics is the fundamental prerequisite for all sports and physical fitness.  Physically, Gymnastics IS coordination, flexibility, strength, stamina, discipline of body... for every major joint & muscle in the body.  Gymnastics also promotes many essential mental skills and virtues as well.  Skills like concentration, self-discipline, sportsmanship,  focus, cooperation, determination, confidence, pride, ... are all fostered in our programs.  Gymnastics is important for ALL children and leads to a lifestyle of fitness and health.  Gymnastics is important for all children and Erie Gymnastics accepts ALL children regardless of race, creed, or handicap.

Coaching Staff:  Erie Gymnastics Center employees only the best and most knowledgeable coaches & instructors in the area.  The coaching staff regularly attend classes & clinics to keep abreast of new technologies, safety measures, equipment, and current training procedures in our sport.  We employ only those coaches who share the desire to excel professionally in our sport, and love to work with all types of children.  All of our staff member have attended clinics and can demonstrate a proficiency at instructing and spotting a minimum of USAG Level 4 (Competitive Team).  Also, all of our staff have background clearances, First Aid / CPR - Adult, Child & Infant.  For a current bio & picture of our staff, visit our "Staff Page"

Schedule:  Erie Gymnastics offer many convenient class times for students.  We offer morning, evening & weekend classes.  We try to offer various classes that run simultaneously as a convenience for those families with two or more children enrolled in our program.  Chances are we have something to fit in your busy schedule.  See Class Schedule - *Note- Due to our small class sizes, when a class fills it may be on our schedule, however not available.  You can check under the Class Schedule section of our website, and it will indicate if there are any openings in the classes.  Our online Gym Management software (Jackrabbit) is typically current, and operates under a 'first come / first serve' premise.   

Class Sizes:  Part of Erie Gymnastics success is its small class sizes.  Our small class sizes ensure your child will receive individual as well as group attention.  Our Preschool & Kindergym classes maintains an approximate  6:1 Student / Teacher ratio, and our Recreational classes keep an approximate 8:1 ration.  Many people when inquiring about classes & prices compare us to many of the dance / martial arts schools....  In many of the dance schools their classes have 20:1 ratios.  Their prices might be a little lower, but we give so much more individual attention to each of our students!

Tracking & Curriculum:  We have found that tracking gymnasts (according to age & ability) increases the speed and performance levels of the specific class.  For the most part, the average Beginner student will end up the following year in the Intermediate level.  It is not uncommon however for students to achieve the next higher level within several  months.  We have found that students who are not challenged enough tend to become bored and lethargic in their class.  Students who find a particular level very difficult, also suffer by feeling over-stressed or incompetent and tend not to do well or perform at their best.  We try to group ages and abilities together in classes so that our classes are continually challenging, but not to the point of overwhelming.   Throughout the year we perform various mobility tests to place children in classes that we feel will better serve them.  With most of the recreational programs this does not require any price differences just perhaps a time change.  We know it sometimes is inconvenient, but we hope you appreciate our goal to provide your child with the best learning situation possible.

** We provide FREE EVALUATIONS, so if at any point, you would like your child considered for another 'higher' or 'lower' level class, please feel free to contact the office for an evaluation.

  • Curriculum - Erie Gymnastics Center is a proud Member Club of USA Gymnastics (USAG).  USAG is the National Governing Body for Gymnastics in the United States, and the organization responsible for our USA Olympic Gymnastics Teams.  USAG has provided a National recommended curriculum to its Member Clubs.  This curriculum is known as the USA Gymnastics Junior Olympic Developmental Program.  Our curriculum divides abilities into 10 Levels.  You can think of the Level System like Grades in Schools or like belts in Karate.  Level 1 consists of  Beginner Level  Gymnastics Skills, and Level 10 Gymnasts are typically National athletes you see when watching gymnastics on TV.  Doug Pershun is proud to have produced over 50 athletes at this level of competition.
  • The USAG Curriculum consists of a series of progressive skills, strength, & flexibility requirements & recommendations for each Level of Gymnastics.  Gymnasts must be 75% proficient at the skills of a level to be eligible for the next level.  EGC periodically tests the gymnasts for mobility purposes.  There is no set time mandate a student must spend at any particular level, however for generalization purposes, the 'average student' should expect to spend approximately 1 year at each level.  It is also extremely important to add that unlike schools, repeating a level is extremely common in our sport.  Almost all of our National Level Gymnasts have had to repeat levels along the way.  Upward mobility in the sport of gymnastics is often affected by growth spurts, puberty, injury / illness, maturity levels....
  • Due to the fact that most parents are not familiar with the USAG Level system and our curriculum, our class names for the Recreational Levels of gymnastics are identified as Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Recreational.  Beginner represents USAG Level 1 and is subdivided into 'Mom n Tot's'  (18 mos - 3 yrs) // 'Preschool' (Age 3-4) // 'Kinder' (Age 5-6) // 'Beginner' (Age 7+).  Our Intermediate Classes are equivalent to USAG Level 2 Curriculum.  These classes are typically 2nd or 3rd year students, however it is also sometimes common for Beginners to move into this level fairly quickly within months.  Intermediate classes offered are also grouped by age and we have 'Int. Kinder' (age 4-7) //  'Intermediate" (age 7+)  // 'Boys Intermediate' (Age 7+).  Our Advanced Classes are equivalent to USAG Level 3 skills.  As each level increases, so does the difficulty of the skills and the strength & flexibility requirements.  As a result, Intermediate & Advanced classes are also scheduled for longer times in the gym.  At the Advanced Level, we offer both 'Adv. Kinder' (age 4-7) & Advanced Rec. (age 7+).
  • Higher Level Gymnastics -  Beyond our Advanced Recreational Class, we offer a fort in the road.  We offer a 'higher level' Recreational Class called Advanced II.  Advanced II is for students who have the skill requirements to qualify for our Competitive Team Lightning Program, but for whatever reasons desire to simply continue their gymnastics education without competing.  The alternate fork in the road leads to the Team Lightning Competitive Programs.
  • Team Lightning Competitive Program -  Each year (typically in April or May, EGC hosts open 'tryouts' for the Team Lightning Mini/Preteam.  Students will be tested in skill, strength, & flexibility criteria to determine their readiness for the program.  Students wishing to compete for the Team Lightning Competitive Teams will enter the Mini / Preteam Program for approximately 1 year.  During the course of that year, the gymnasts will be challenged to meet the strict entry requirements to officially make the Team Lightning Competitive Travel Squads.  Once making the Competitive Travel Teams, the gymnasts will enter "Level 3 Competitive" and train the specific requirements and routines required at that level.  Throughout the year, they will travel to various USA Gymnastics Sanctioned events and try to earn mobility scores, medals, and qualification scored to compete at events like the State Championships and beyond.

Class Prices:  We have found our prices are well in line with prices of similar gymnastics schools across the country.  We may be a little higher than other clubs & dance schools in the area, but we believe we offer a quality program and you get what you pay for.  Classes at Erie Gymnastics Center start at $39.00 / month & up.  Because of the varied class times & class lengths & discounts, we do not publish our complete prices.  The price of each class depends on the amount of time the gymnast trains per month. 

  • Discount Classes:  EGC offers discount classes for most of our entry level classes.  Discount classes offer the same great staff, facility... just not scheduled during our prime time hours.  Discount class are any weekday class starting before 4:00pm, Friday Night Classes and Saturdays.

  • Family Discounts:  EGC offers Family discounts of 10% off each class for 2 or more students enrolled in our program.

  • 911 Discounts:  EGC offers a 25% discount to families whose direct guardian is a current member of the Military, Police Department, Fire Department, or Rescue Squad.  After 911, we were touched by the heroes born that day.  We know you are not paid what you are worth.  As a result, we have honored this discount since 9/11/2001.

  • Team Discounts & Group:  EGC offers a discount to entire teams or organizations that contract our services.  We offer special pricing for Cheer Teams, Daycares, and other groups.  Call for a quote.

  • Private Lessons:  Private Lessons are offered at EGC on a limited and restricted basis.  Private lesson fees vary depending on the individual coach, time of day, and amount of time necessary.  Please call if you have specific requests.

Safety:  EGC stresses safety at every level.  Gymnastics is fun, and very safe at the entry levels.  Still though, gymnastics is a sport that involves heights, motion, speed, obstacles, equipment....  Not to make light of any injury, however most gymnastics injuries happen with team level athletes, and very few with recreational classes.  Please realize our safety rules are strictly enforced for the best interests of everyone -- especially your child.  All parents & gymnasts must sign a release waiver to participate in any of our programs.

  • The USAG Coaching Staff & a majority of our supplementary staff are Safety Certified through USA Gymnastics.  This course is required for all USAG Competitive Coaches. 
  • EGC is extremely strict when it comes to safety in the gym.  It is perhaps the only time you may hear a loud scolding or a punishment given by one of our instructors.  Although some parents may find these mean  harsh, our position is that we would rather scare your child than have your child suffer a serious injury.  For safety reasons, we reserve the right to (as deemed necessary) to talk with your child, scold your child, have your child sit for a period of time (time out), deny participation in a specific activity, require a physical punishment (Ex. 10 push-ups) suspend (without refund for a period of time), or terminate a students membership to EGC.  These actions are and can be applied for ANY infraction of safety.  This includes but is not limited to... Failure to follow Staff Instructions or rules / Behavioral Problems / Horseplay / Intimidating or Harassing a staff member or student in the gym / disruptive behavior / inappropriate clothing or hair / distractions provided by students siblings or guardians / suspicion of drugs or alcohol / bringing illegal items of any nature to the gym / theft / and any other means of creating a hazard or risk to any member to EGC.

4725 Park Harbor Dr, EriePennsylvania 16511, United States

Business:  Team Lightning Inc. dba - Erie Gymnastics Center -- President - Douglas Pershun

 Main Office:  4725 Park Harbor Dr.  Erie, PA 16511

Phone:  814-898-2936       Fax:  814-899-7780          E-mail:  staff@eriegymnastics.com

Hours of Operation:  Hours vary due to seasonal influxes & at each facility...  but generally,

                            School Year:  Monday - Friday - 4:00 - 9:00pm & Saturday 9:00am- 3:00

                            Summer:  Monday - Friday - 8:30am - 1:30pm & 4:00pm - 8:30pm

Office Hours:  Hours vary due to seasonal influxes... but generally,

                            Main Office - Harborcreek:  School Year: Monday - Friday - 3:00pm - 8:00pm

Directions:      Erie Gymnastics Center Harborcreek                                                                  EGC West at Westwood Racquet Club

Facility Information & Equipment -  Facilities

Business established - 1986, under current ownership since 1990

Who to Contact:

  • Owner / President / Program Director / Women's Competitive Head Coach - Douglas Pershun  - Any Office Matter / Program Information / Star's & Stripes Information / Team Lightning Information

  • Co-Owner - Tina Pershun - Management / Accounts Payable / Any Office Matter / Program Information / Team Lightning Information

  • Office Manager - Mary Draughn -  Account Receivable / General Program Info / Class Information / Field Trips / Pro-Shop

  • EGC West Manager - Stephanie Hargest - Basic Office Matter / Program Information / Star's & Stripes Information / Coordinates Field Trips & Parties

  • Preschool Director - Stephanie Phillips - Mom n' Tot, Preschool, Kindergym, Intermediate Kinder, Adv. Kinder

  • Boy's & Men's Program Director -  Justin Whitman - Boys Classes, Hot Shots, Men's Competitive

  • Recreational Class Director - Tina Pershun

  • Women's Competitive Team Director - Douglas Pershun

  • Women's Competitive Compulsory Team Director - Cindy Bretz